27 de mayo de 2008


Para los habituales de este blog no es novedad mi cuelgue con Processing que cada vez más se va adueñando de cada uno de los posteos. Tutoriales y registros de diferentes workshops alrededor del planeta se amontonan en el disco duro y son devorados para ir aprendiendo un poco más cada día. A veces me pregunto si no es un poco adictivo de más este tema. Pero al llegar a este sitio me sentí mucho más tranquilo: el Sr. Tim Armato se propuso escribir código en Processing cada día, los 365 días del año!!!!

365 programs in 365 days.

When I graduated high school my English teacher/advisor, Mr. Patterson, recommended that no matter what you go on to do in life, you should write every day.

That was 1992. It’s now 2007 so I thought I’d finally give it a shot. I’m going write a little bit of Processing code… everyday.

The benefits of this project may be many. Primarily I see it as a way for me to become a better programmer. I’ll try my hand at new techniques and probably try to improve some old things. I also hope this site will serve as an educational resource. I teach Processing to web design and graphic design students and there are two things I often see people stumble on: 1) finding comprehendible example code, 2) understanding that programming is a process.

Firstly, while I applaud everyone who has contributed to the Processing references, I am often confronted with examples that seem too complicated, too abstract, or not adequately described for the novice programmer. I hope to create some examples of basic functions and techniques that avoid these pitfalls.

Secondly, I see many people get frustrated and give up on programming because they haven’t learned how to approach the problem. Developing a program is so much more than just conceiving it. It’s not just a matter of looking up the right commands and syntax; it’s breaking-down an idea and then building it back up piece-by-piece, procedure-by-procedure. By documenting my progress, trial-and-error, and incremental edits, I hope to present examples of how to become a more effective programmer.

All that being said I’m sure much of what I am going to do here will be profoundly boring! I don’t expect this blog to be something that has groundbreaking content all the time. I don’t know if there will be a coherent narrative from day to day. While I hope some people will check it out regularly, in my mind this project is more about the overall accomplishment than the daily experience. Some posts may be incremental progress on a larger project; some may be quick, pointless doodles that I kick out in 2 minutes just to get something done that day. But no matter how large or small, I am very interested in seeing what happens when I actually work with the Processing language every day.

My name is Tim Armato. I am a fine artist, a designer, a printmaker and an educator. I have a BA in Geology from Gustavus Adolphus College, an MFA in Visual Studies from the Minneapolis College of Art + Design. I work for my wife, Amy, at Armato Design & Press, and I teach Web Design, Interactive Media, and Graphic Design at The Art Institutes International Minnesota. I was introduced to Processing in 2004 when Ben Fry and Casey Reas gave a guest lecture and workshop at MCAD.

Vía: P{three-sixty}5